When you apply for a mortgage, car loan, or credit card, lenders typically check your credit report as part of the application process. You may be subject to a credit check when renting an apartment or applying for a job, too. If there are errors or inaccuracies on your credit report, you could be denied credit, housing, or employment. Alternatively, you might be approved under less-than-favorable terms.
Unfortunately, anyone can be the unwitting victim of credit reporting errors. Sometimes, credit bureaus merge records for two or more unrelated people in error or add a consumer’s account information to the wrong person’s record. Errors can happen because financial institutions don’t report information accurately or because credit bureau employees don’t follow established procedures when updating credit profiles.
Regardless of the reason, resolving this type of error with the credit bureaus is sometimes easier said than done. A Stein Saks, PLLC credit reporting lawyer can help you clear your credit report and protect your rights.